Unraveling the Mystery: Why New Mums Struggle to Sleep

Becoming a mother is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and fulfilling experiences a woman can have. Welcoming a new life into the world brings immense joy and happiness. However, amid all the excitement, there's a common challenge that many new mothers face: sleep deprivation. Why is it that new mums find it so difficult to sleep? In this blog post, we will delve into the various factors that contribute to this challenge, including postpartum insomnia, hormonal changes, and the profound impact of sleep deprivation. With insights drawn from credible sources like the Sleep Foundation, leading health organisations, and up-to-date research from Australia, let's explore why the Sandman seems to elude new mothers.

The Transition to Motherhood: A Rollercoaster of Emotions

Bringing a newborn into the world is an extraordinary journey, albeit one filled with a whirlwind of emotions. The early days and weeks are a period of adjustment, both physically and emotionally. The Sleep Foundation highlights that the combination of hormonal fluctuations, physical discomfort, and the steep learning curve of caring for a newborn can create a perfect storm of sleeplessness for new mothers1. The Australian Institute of Family Studies echoes this sentiment, emphasising the significant life changes and potential stressors that can impact a new mother's sleep patterns2.

Postpartum Insomnia: When the Mind Refuses to Rest

Postpartum insomnia, characterised by difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or experiencing restorative sleep, is a common phenomenon among new mothers. Researchers from Australia's Murdoch Children's Research Institute reveal that postpartum insomnia is influenced by a range of factors, including psychological changes, anxiety, and the mother's inclination to constantly check on her baby during the night3. This heightened vigilance is nature's way of ensuring the infant's safety but often comes at the cost of the mother's sleep. 

Hormones in Flux: The Sleep-Disrupting Culprits

Hormones play a pivotal role in the entire process of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum recovery. The Australian College of Midwives explains that the hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy and childbirth can have a profound impact on a woman's sleep patterns4. The fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone, coupled with the surge of prolactin needed for breastfeeding, can lead to disrupted sleep cycles and difficulty falling asleep. These hormonal shifts can leave new mothers feeling wired even when they desperately need to rest.

The Sleep-Deprivation Domino Effect

It's no secret that sleep deprivation can have a cascading impact on a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For new mothers, the consequences of sleeplessness can be particularly challenging. The Sleep Health Foundation highlights that sleep-deprived mothers are at a higher risk of experiencing mood disorders such as postpartum depression5. Moreover, the lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, impair cognitive function, and hinder the body's ability to heal after childbirth. In context, where support systems for new parents might not always be readily available, the strain of sleep deprivation can be even more significant.

Newborn Sleep Patterns: A Gentle Reminder

Understanding the sleep patterns of newborns can offer new mothers a sense of reassurance. The Australian Breastfeeding Association points out that newborns have shorter sleep cycles compared to adults. They need to feed frequently and do not follow a traditional sleep schedule. This means that new mothers often find themselves waking up multiple times during the night to attend to their baby's needs. While this can be challenging, knowing that it's a temporary phase can provide solace to tired mothers.

Little Archer & Co.: Nurturing the Bond Between Mothers and Babies

Amid the sleepless nights and challenging days, Little Archer & Co. are here to support new mothers on their journey. As a provider of thoughtfully crafted baby essentials, we understand the importance of sleep for both mothers and babies. With our range of cozy baby blankets and sleep accessories such as our newborn baby nest, they aim to create an environment that promotes restful sleep for infants and parents alike. By focusing on quality, comfort, and safety, Little Archer & Co. acknowledges the intricate connection between sleep and the well-being of the entire family.


Becoming a mother is an awe-inspiring experience, marked by an abundance of love and newfound responsibilities. However, the sleep challenges that new mothers face are undeniable. From postpartum insomnia to hormonal fluctuations and the far-reaching effects of sleep deprivation, there's no shortage of factors contributing to this phenomenon. By shedding light on the reasons behind the sleep struggles that new mothers encounter, we hope to offer understanding and support to those navigating this remarkable chapter of life. Remember, while the nights might be long, the journey of motherhood is filled with irreplaceable moments of connection, growth, and love.



  1. Sleep Foundation. "Sleep and Pregnancy: Tips for Getting Better Sleep When You're Expecting." sleepfoundation.org. Link 
  2. Australian Institute of Family Studies. "Transition to parenthood." aifs.gov.au. Link 
  3. Murdoch Children's Research Institute. "Insomnia in Pregnancy and Postpartum." mcri.edu.au. Link 
  4. Australian College of Midwives. "Postpartum Sleep: A time for healing, adjusting, and dealing with fatigue." midwives.org.au. Link 
  5. Sleep Health Foundation. "Sleep and Women's Health." sleephealthfoundation.org.au. Link